
Healthcare Staffing, Employment & Recruiting Agency

What is a Nurse?

In their day-to-day work, nurses monitor patients, administer medications and treatments, assist with procedures, educate patients and families, coordinate care plans, and operate medical equipment. They serve as patient advocates and key members of the collaborative healthcare team.

Their training enables them to measure vital signs, assist with exams and testing, administer medications and IV fluids, change dressings, operate specialized equipment, collect samples, record information, counsel patients, and much more. Specifically, nurses may work in settings such as:

Nursing offers versatile career paths in areas like pediatrics, oncology, geriatrics, community health, psychiatry, critical care, and more. The distinctions between nurses and other licensed clinical roles like nurse practitioners relate to differences in educational requirements, scopes of practice, and licensing. For example, while NPs obtain state APRN licensure, RNs are licensed as registered nurses. Both roles collaborate closely in patient care delivery.

Skills of a nurse
What are nurses?

What Skills Does a Nurse Require?

Excellent communication and interpersonal abilities allow nurses to collaborate with all members of the care team. They explain complex information simply, educate patients and families, advocate and coordinate care. A caring, compassionate manner is fundamental to providing patient-centered care.

In addition to communication talents, sharp critical thinking and organizational skills help nurses rapidly assess changes in patient condition, report to providers, prioritize tasks, and make quick decisions in fast-paced, chaotic settings. Nurses rely heavily on observation and reporting to aid diagnosis and treatment.

Nurses also need emotional resilience to handle traumatic situations, deliver bad news compassionately, and support distressed patients and families. Regular exposure to suffering requires the ability to manage emotions skillfully.

Ultimately, the nursing role requires flexibility, stamina, skill and quick thinking to fulfill the many essential functions from routine care to emergency response. Dedication and care for people are equally vital.

How Do You Become a Nurse?

The journey to becoming a licensed, registered nurse takes 2-4 years of education and training after high school. It’s a demanding yet rewarding path that prepares you for a meaningful career caring for patients.

To qualify for nursing school, you must first complete science prerequisites and gain healthcare experience showing your commitment to nursing. Strong academic records and recommendation letters are vital when applying to competitive nursing programs.

Once in nursing school, coursework covers an enormous range of topics from pharmacology to care coordination. You apply these concepts directly with patients under supervision during clinical rotations in specialties like pediatrics, critical care, oncology, and community health.

After graduating nursing school, you must pass the NCLEX-RN exam before applying for state licensure allowing supervised practice. Some go on to gain experience while others pursue Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees to access advanced roles. With licensure, doors open to diverse fields from bedside hospital nursing, to outpatient clinics, home care services, research, education, public health, administration, and more.

Regardless of setting, becoming an RN requires smarts, compassion, resilience, teamwork, and a lifelong commitment to helping the suffering and infirm.

The journey is demanding, but nursing is an honorable profession where you can make a real difference in patient’s lives.

How do you become a nurse?

Types of Nurses

The healthcare industry employs many different types of nurses across various settings. The wide range of nursing classifications, certifications, and responsibilities allows these essential healthcare professionals to provide competent, compassionate care tailored to the diverse needs of patients and health organizations. 

Nurse practitioners (NPs) are advanced practice registered nurses trained and licensed to diagnose, prescribe medications, and manage patient care with a high degree of autonomy. NPs often serve as primary and specialty care providers in clinics and hospitals.

→ Apply to registered nurse jobs

Specialty hospitals center their facilities, equipment, staff expertise, and treatment plans around serving patients with specific conditions or undergoing focused types of care. Some examples include cancer hospitals, heart hospitals, orthopedic and surgery centers, children’s hospitals, burn recovery units, physical rehabilitation centers, psychiatric hospitals, geriatric care facilities, women’s health clinics, and more.

Specialized hospitals are equipped to provide targeted, efficient care calibrated to the medical issues faced by particular patient categories.

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Certified nurse midwives provide care and support to women before, during, and after pregnancy and delivery. They have specialized expertise in childbirth, women’s reproductive health, newborn care, and family planning.

→ Apply to certified nurse midwife jobs

Certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) administer anesthesia to patients in collaboration with surgeons, anesthesiologists, dentists, podiatrists and other qualified healthcare professionals. They play a vital role in ensuring patient safety and comfort.

→ Apply to certified registered nurse anesthetists jobs

Clinical nurse specialists are advanced practice nurses who have specialized skills and knowledge focused on a particular population, health condition, nursing specialty, type of care, procedure, or setting. They aim to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes through their focused expertise.

→ Apply to clinical nurse specialists positions

Nurse educators develop curriculum and teach the next generation of nurses. They instruct nursing students to prepare them for licensure and the transition into nursing practice, often maintaining their own clinical competencies as well.

→ Apply to nurse educator jobs

Industry Insights

Support your nursing team
Healthcare Administrative
TAG MedStaffing Team
5 Ways to Support Your Nursing Team

Fostering open communication, promoting team building, offering development opportunities, improving workflow, and encouraging health and wellness are 5 key strategies to support nursing teams. Implementing these practices helps nurses feel valued and empowered, leading to better patient outcomes, improved retention, and a positive workplace culture.

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Healthcare Staffing Shortages
Industry Insights
TAG MedStaffing Team
How Healthcare Facilities Can Manage Staffing Shortages

Hospitals and healthcare facilities nationwide are grappling with substantial staffing challenges, particularly in recruiting nurses and physicians. These shortages pose a serious threat to patient access and the quality of care provided. From rural clinics to large urban hospitals, addressing these workforce gaps is crucial, and innovative strategies must be implemented to ensure effective healthcare delivery. Explore proven staffing approaches below to navigate these challenges successfully.

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Healthcare Staffing And Recruitment

That Stands Apart

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