Registered Nurse Jobs in Connecticut

Healthcare Staffing, Employment & Recruiting Agency

We connect registered nurses with leading medical facilities in Connecticut. Our targeted approach assists healthcare organizations in building robust care teams and assists talent in securing rewarding career paths.

High Paying RN Jobs

TAG MedStaffing empowers registered nurses to align their clinical expertise with personally fulfilling work. With nursing job opportunities available statewide, you can progress professionally while exploring new locations. We support nurses at all stages of their careers – from new grads to experienced veterans. Rely on our team to join an organization dedicated to championing your individual wellbeing alongside ongoing development as a nurse across Connecticut.

*Disclaimer: Registered nurse compensations may vary based on facility budgets, seasonal demand, and other factors. Packages can include a mix of taxable wages and non-taxable reimbursements.

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Advantages of Becoming an RN

RNs are the most trusted medical profession in the United States year after year. Those with advanced BSN credentials can earn attractive salaries above national median income levels. Meanwhile, demand continues growing rapidly for qualified nurses. With strong financial prospects, high trust from patients, and the ability to positively impact lives through caring and skilled service, registered nursing offers a fulfilling and stable career path.

LPNS Licensed

How Do I Become a Registered Nurse?

There are three main paths to become a registered nurse – a Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing (BSN), an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN), or a diploma program. BSN and ADN programs focus on coursework and clinical rotations, while shorter diploma programs concentrate purely on practical nursing skills. 

After completing an accredited nursing program, candidates must pass the NCLEX-RN exam that tests essential nursing knowledge and skill competencies. Passing this national test and attaining a nursing license allows candidates to officially enter the nursing workforce. Registered nurses can then pursue desired practice areas like hospitals, doctors’ offices, schools, and more.

The Growing Crisis of Nurse Shortages

At TAG MedStaffing, our dedicated focus on the medical staffing industry gives us a valuable understanding of hiring trends for registered nurses. We have seen substantial growth in demand for these vital healthcare professionals, especially in the state of Connecticut. Drawing on our extensive experience analyzing healthcare labor needs, we have identified key drivers spurring this surge across Connecticut.

Read on to learn more about key trends and insights shaping the registered nurse profession.

1. Unfilled Nursing Positions Multiply Across Connecticut

Connecticut medical facilities ranging from major research hospitals to small community health centers are struggling to fill hundreds of open registered nurse positions. Even with rising salaries and improved benefit packages, the vast majority of hospitals and clinics cannot recruit nearly enough qualified nurses to meet patient care demands. Remaining nurses at understaffed facilities are strained as they take on additional patients.

As nurse staffing shortfalls persist across Connecticut, many overburdened nurses are being asked to care for more patients than is feasible to provide quality care. Nurses report extremely high stress as they attempt to properly monitor and treat more patients than recommended. 

2. Connecticut Nurse Shortage Reaching Crisis Levels

Connecticut’s shortage of registered nurses has dramatically escalated over the past two years, with nurse vacancies across the state’s healthcare system now over 50% higher than just 24 months ago. Hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities are desperately attempting to hire more RNs to keep pace with growing patient demand. But even with expanded recruitment efforts and incentives, most cannot fill open nursing positions.

As open nurse jobs multiply, Connecticut’s existing registered nursing workforce is being pushed to the breaking point trying to cover unfilled positions. Nurses describe unsafe patient-to-nurse ratios forcing them to juggle far too many patients to provide adequate care.

3. Where Have All The Nurses Gone? Solving New York’s RN Crisis

More than 80 percent of Connecticut hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare providers now report an inability to hire enough registered nurses is their most pressing staffing issue. Compounding annual nurse vacancies have left many medical facilities severely understaffed, without enough RNs to adequately monitor and treat patients. As nurse-to-patient ratios drop well below recommended levels, both patient health and nurse well-being suffer.

With the RN shortage intensifying yearly, medical experts urgently warn that Connecticut risks a collapse in healthcare quality and access unless immediate bold action is taken to increase nurse supply. As more nurses burn out and exit the shrinking workforce, risks multiply of catastrophic medical mistakes, infections, and employee resignations. Decisive efforts to rapidly expand RN recruitment and retention are vital to avoid endangering Connecticut patient and nurse health through the deepening RN crisis.


Support your nursing team
Healthcare Administrative
TAG MedStaffing Team
5 Ways to Support Your Nursing Team

Fostering open communication, promoting team building, offering development opportunities, improving workflow, and encouraging health and wellness are 5 key strategies to support nursing teams. Implementing these practices helps nurses feel valued and empowered, leading to better patient outcomes, improved retention, and a positive workplace culture.

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Healthcare Staffing Shortages
Industry Insights
TAG MedStaffing Team
How Healthcare Facilities Can Manage Staffing Shortages

Hospitals and healthcare facilities nationwide are grappling with substantial staffing challenges, particularly in recruiting nurses and physicians. These shortages pose a serious threat to patient access and the quality of care provided. From rural clinics to large urban hospitals, addressing these workforce gaps is crucial, and innovative strategies must be implemented to ensure effective healthcare delivery. Explore proven staffing approaches below to navigate these challenges successfully.

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