Dermatology LPNs

Career Guide: Salary, Job Duties, and More

This page offers details on the expected salaries, day-to-day job duties, and additional insights for those exploring or considering a career as a Dermatology LPN.

Dermatology Professionals

What is a Dermatology LPN?

Dermatology licensed practical nurses are critical members of dermatology teams. They assist dermatologists, nurses, and other providers in the diagnosis and treatment of skin disorders by confirming patient charts, preparing the exam room, handing tools, tracking vital statistics, performing tests, and educating patients on skin care. Their wide-ranging medical, technical, and clerical duties need training in dermatological care and a dedication to patient well-being and safety guidelines.

Though they operate behind the scenes, dermatology LPNs support care providers with the complex skincare needs of patients. Their communication, flexibility, and levelheadedness under duress make them vital to seamless workflows and favorable outcomes in the clinic.

Read on to learn more about the steps to train for this position, and answers to commonly asked questions.

Key Responsibilities of a Dermatology LPN

The role requires expertise in skin conditions, familiarity with dermatological equipment, and knowledge of skincare safety best practices. Dermatology LPNs provide critical assistance so that doctors, nurses, and other staff can effectively concentrate on diagnosing and treating skin disorders.

With strong organizational skills and the ability to work well under pressure, they help ensure seamless patient flow in the clinic.

Dermatology Specialization

What is the Salary of a Dermatology LPN?

The outlook for careers as dermatology LPNs appears promising over the next decade, with job growth projected to outpace the average rate substantially. Underlying this robust expansion is a confluence of factors fueling greater demand. An aging population vulnerable to skin cancer and other dermatologic diseases, technological progress in skincare medicine spurring the need for specialized assistants, and the proliferation of dermatology clinics where many procedures occur, are all converging to heighten demand.

Dermatology LPNs possessing certification and adaptability performing diverse skincare procedures should encounter expanding job prospects and avenues for career advancement amid these supportive conditions. The combination of rapid growth and the value of specialized skills points toward a favorable environment for those training to enter this vital role within the healthcare workforce supporting dermatology teams.

National Average: $59,133.00

U.S. RegionsAverage Salary

Additional Key Information:

Salary Range$55,120.00 entry level to $65,239.00+
Common BenefitsHealth insurance, retirement, vacation & bonuses

How Do I Become a Dermatology LPN?

Pursuing a career as a dermatology LPN to support doctors, nurses, and other staff in diagnosing and treating skin conditions is an incredibly rewarding path for those interested in skincare. Properly preparing for this critical role requires progressing through key education, certification, and practical experience milestones:



Practical Experience

Those aspiring to become dermatology LPNs have a rewarding career ahead helping care teams diagnose and treat skin disorders. The key is laying the proper foundation through education, hands-on training, and credentialing. Enroll in an accredited LPN program specializing in dermatology care to establish core knowledge. Reinforce learning via clinical externships offered in quality programs. Consider relevant part-time work for added exposure as well.

Certifications like CDIP boost qualifications and job prospects. Keeping these pointers in mind will lead to success in launching this fulfilling career supporting critical skincare procedures.


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